What is a Good OPS in Baseball? Comprehensive Guide 2024

In the world of Major League Baseball (MLB), one statistic has risen above the rest in assessing a hitter’s prowess. What is a Good OPS in Baseball? Let drive into it;

  1. OPS in baseball, or On-Base Plus Slugging. This sabermetric baseball statistic melds the distinct aspects of a player’s On-Base Percentage (OBP) with their Slugging Percentage (SLG) to form a comprehensive and powerful performance indicator.

 So, what exactly is on-base plus slugging (OPS)? In essence, OPS quantifies a player’s ability to efficiently get on base and to hit for power – two critical factors in driving a team’s offensive success. For both ardent fans and casual observers, understanding good OPS in baseball can offer deep insights into the game’s strategic complexities.

Key Takeaways

  • OPS combines a player’s ability to get on base (OBP) with their power-hitting capabilities (SLG).
  • good OPS reflects a player’s rounded contribution to their team’s offense.
  • OPS is a favored metric over batting average in analyzing player performance in MLB.
  • The stat provides a reliable means to compare players across different eras.
  • Understanding OPS can enhance appreciation of the strategic elements in baseball.
  • Good OPS in baseball indicates a player’s ability to contribute to run-scoring opportunities.

Unveiling the OPS Statistic in Major League Baseball

In the landscape of Major League Baseball, the concept of OPS has emerged as a cornerstone for assessing player prowess. Beyond traditional metrics like batting average, OPS—or On-Base Plus Slugging—offers a multifaceted view into a batter’s capabilities, intertwining their knack for both reaching base and achieving significant hits.

Defining OPS: A Composite Metric

At its core, OPS is a hybrid statistic that combines a player’s On-Base Percentage (OBP) and Slugging Percentage (SLG). In essence, it is a numerical representation that captures two critical aspects: a player’s consistency in getting on base, and their power-hitting potential. OBP is calculated by the sum of hits, walks, and hit by pitches divided by at-bats plus walks, hit by pitches, and sacrifice flies. Meanwhile, SLG is the total base a player records per at-bat. It’s a formula that visualizes a player’s comprehensive offensive value.

The Historical Evolution of OPS in Baseball Analysis

Baseball history is ornamented with various attempts to quantify player performance, but OPS stands out for its relatively recent uptake in the analytical world. Its origins trace back to the confluence of on-base percentage and slugging which began being considered together in the 1970s. However, it was not until sabermetricians began adopting it enthusiastically that OPS gained traction, changing the way we used to evaluate a hitter’s impact. Through the adoption by analysts and fans alike, OPS has become a staple in determining a player’s worth, bridging eras and leagues in OPS comparison.

Why OPS Is a Preferred Measure Over Batting Average

While batting average once reigned supreme, OPS has ascended as the preferred metric due to its comprehensive approach. By valuing a player’s on-base percentage and slugging equally, OPS provides a more holistic view of a player’s offensive skill set. Batting average often falls short as it neglects walks and extra-base hits, making OPS a superior standard for comparison. Considering the combined value of these two percentages adjusts the evaluation of players, recognizing that reaching base and advancing runners through power hitting are both vital to scoring runs and winning games.

A glimpse into OPS’s effectiveness is summarized in the table below, showcasing its dual focus:

StatisticFocusPlayer Ability Highlighted
On-Base Percentage (OBP)Frequency of reaching basePatience and Precision
Slugging Percentage (SLG)Power hittingStrength and Impact
On-Base Plus Slugging (OPS)Combined valueOverall Offensive Contribution

In the realm of Major League Baseball, OPS has brought about a revolution, allowing for detailed insights into a player’s offensive strategy. As we continue to compare OPS across the board, its role in sculpting the game’s future remains unshakably significant.

Related:What is Slugging Percentage in Baseball Explained

What Constitutes a Good OPS in Baseball?

Understanding what qualifies as a good OPS (On-base Plus Slugging) is essential for fans and analysts of Major League Baseball when evaluating a player’s performance at the plate. Yearly, the standard for what is a good OPS for an MLB player can shift slightly, due to changes in the overall offensive environment, but some benchmarks remain consistent over time.

The league average OPS is a reliable barometer for assessing player performance. Generally, an OPS above the league average indicates a player who is contributing positively to their team’s offense, while an OPS below the league average can suggest room for improvement. Let’s break down the OPS scale to see where players might stand:

  • 700 OPS: Generally considered below average.
  • 750 OPS: Approaching the league average, representing a competent hitter.
  • 800 OPS: Recognized as a solid mark of an above-average MLB hitter.
  • 1.000 OPS: Reserved for the elite tier, often MVP-caliber players.

But the question remains, is a 700 OPS good? Context matters; for some positions like shortstop or catcher, where defense is highly valued, a 700 OPS might be acceptable, especially if the player is outstanding in other areas of their game. However, for a designated hitter or a corner outfielder, where offensive output is a critical measure of value, a 700 OPS may not be as impressive.

The following table illustrates a more detailed perspective on OPS ranges and their corresponding assessments:

OPS RangeClassification
Below .700Well below average
.700-.749Below average
.750-.799Around average
.800-.899Above average
Above 1.000Elite

Remembering that the average OPS can vary year to year, it’s vital to compare a player’s OPS against the league average of the current season for the most accurate assessment. With that in mind, when scrutinizing a hitter’s efficiency, OPS provides an insightful and multifaceted perspective, distinguishing the merely good from the truly great.

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Calculating On-Base Plus Slugging Percentages

If you’ve ever wondered “how do I calculate OPS in baseball?”, then this part of our discussion will shine some light on the subject. The player’s On-Base Percentage (OBP) and Slugging Percentage (SLG) are the pillars that give rise to this critical baseball statistic. Widely considered a true testament of a player’s offensive prowess, OPS or on-base percentage plus slugging average, amalgamates a player’s capacity to get on base with their power-hitting ability.

Detailed Breakdown: How to Calculate OBP and SLG

Understanding how to calculate OPS in baseball begins with comprehending its components – OBP and SLG. The on-base percentage measures how often a player reaches base via walks, hits, and being hit by pitch, exclusive of fielding choices and errors. Here’s the formula for computing OBP:

OBP = (Hits + Walks + Hit by Pitch) / (At Bats + Walks + Hit by Pitch + Sacrifice Flies)

On the other hand, slugging percentage is calculated by taking the total bases a player records and dividing it by their at-bats, illustrating their batting power:

SLG = Total Bases / At Bats

It takes all hits into account but weighs them differently – the greater the number of bases, the higher the value.

Determining a Player’s Offensive Value Through OPS

When you calculate OPS, you’re essentially adding together the OBP and SLG to ascertain an offensive value. This number is critical when evaluating a player’s overall batting performance. High OPS figures typically indicate a player’s prowess in both reaching base and scoring with power.


Calculating a player’s OPS gives a quick but comprehensive look at their performance with the bat, going beyond the basic metrics like batting average.

Understanding the Scale: From Average to Elite OPS Scores

Player’s OPS scores can be demystified when put against the league averages. The scale of OPS ranges, with an OPS below .700 considered subpar, around .800 as league average, and an OPS over .900 reflects elite hitters. Recognizing where a player falls on this scale can be revealing:

  • Below Average: OPS < .700
  • Average: OPS of around .700 to .800
  • Above Average: OPS from .800 to .900
  • Excellent: OPS > .900

Armed with this knowledge, fans can engage more deeply with the sport, analyzing players and games with an informed perspective on the statistic used in baseball to gauge offensive value.

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Comparing Top MLB Players Through OPS

On-base Plus Slugging (OPS) not only brings a deeper understanding to a hitter’s capabilities but also serves as a historical bridge connecting the legendary hitters of yesteryears to the power hitters of the modern era. Featuring big names like Babe Ruth and illuminating the achievements of current stars, OPS becomes the common denominator in celebrating the best players in baseball.

Leaders in OPS: A Look at MLB Standouts

When delving into who has the highest ops in baseball, it’s impossible not to acknowledge the profound impact that players with high ops have on games. These major league players possess a knack for finding their way to bases and consistently delivering hits for power. The career leaders in ops set the bar for what it means to be the top 10 mlb hitters, and their legacies continue to inspire upcoming talent.

The Impact of Home Runs and Walks on a Player’s OPS

The highest ops often correlates with remarkable home run totals and the ability to secure walks. A player who hits for power and simultaneously exercises patience at the plate to draw walks will boost their value in a team’s line-up, solidifying their rank among the best players in baseball with robust slugging and on-base percentages.

How Contemporary Players Match Up Against Historic Figures

In the echelons of baseball history, names such as Babe Ruth resonate with unprecedented career ops figures. But how do the achievements of today’s best players in baseball align with such storied legends? By examining the career leaders in OPS, we find that baseball is a valuable thread in the fabric of America’s pastime and that today’s players are the continuation of a storied legacy.

PlayerOPSHome RunsWalksCareer Span
Babe Ruth1.16471420621914-1935
Player A0.99868012502001-Present
Player B0.95063013201998-2013
Player C0.94050011002003-Present
what is a good ops in baseball


In wrapping up our exploration of OPS in Major League Baseball, it stands clear that OPS and its advanced counterpart, OPS Plus, have redefined how we evaluate players’ prowess on the field. When we look at the figures—a player with an OPS of 1.000 or more is often considered elite—we see a holistic measure of a batter’s ability to not only get on base but also to hit with power. The aggregation of On-base Percentage (OBP) and Slugging Percentage (SLG) provides a clearer image of a player’s offensive value, revealing how on-base and slugging capacities work in tandem to strengthen a team’s lineup.

Throughout different eras of baseball, OPS has remained a consistent and reliable metric, adapting to the changing dynamics of the game. By examining how percentage is calculated by dividing the relevant successes by at-bats and including outcomes like walks and home runs, OPS transcends traditional statistics. It encapsulates a broader spectrum of a hitter’s contributions. Including OPS in baseball analytics allows us to assess players in a more nuanced and precise manner than ever before.

From the fresh talents embarking on their MLB journey to the seasoned veterans whose names are etched in history, OPS values offer insight into the incredible skills that place them among the best. As the game advances and new talents emerge, OPS will undoubtedly continue to be one of the fundamental stats used to measure and appreciate those who master the art of combining the patience and selectivity needed to get on base, with the power and precision required to hit effectively. In sum, OPS not only stands as a testament to a player’s offensive impact but also serves as a bridge connecting the legacy of past legends to the burgeoning stars of today’s Major League Baseball.

What is a Good OPS in Baseball FAQ

What is OPS in Baseball?

OPS stands for On-base Plus Slugging. It’s a sabermetric baseball statistic that combines a player’s On-Base Percentage (OBP) and Slugging Percentage (SLG) to evaluate their offensive performance, reflecting their ability to both get on base and hit for power.

How do I calculate OPS in Baseball?

To calculate a player’s OPS, simply add their On-Base Percentage (OBP) to their Slugging Percentage (SLG). OBP measures the frequency a player gets on base, while SLG reflects their ability to hit for bases (singles, doubles, triples, and home runs).

What is a good OPS for an MLB player?

good OPS varies, but typically, an OPS of 1.000 or higher is considered outstanding, 800 to 899 is very good, 700 to 799 is average, and below 700 is below average. The league average OPS tends to fluctuate, but it can usually provide a benchmark for assessing player performance.

Who has the highest OPS in Baseball?

Historical baseball figures like Babe Ruth have some of the highest career OPS values. Among active players, the leaders in OPS can change from season to season. Tracking the current leaders can be done by consulting up-to-date MLB statistics websites or baseball analytics platforms.

Do walks count for OPS?

Yes, walks count towards a player’s On-Base Percentage (OBP), which is half of the OPS calculation. Walks allow a player to get on base without hitting the ball, thereby taking free bases and contributing to their overall offensive performance.

Is an OPS of .700 considered good?

An OPS of .700 is considered around league average or slightly below depending on the year and the offensive environment of Major League Baseball. While not “good” by standout standards, it is not necessarily “poor” either.

Is OPS the same as batting average?

No, OPS is not the same as batting average. OPS combines On-Base Percentage, which counts hits, walks, and hit-by-pitches, with Slugging Percentage, which considers total bases from hits. This makes it a broader measure of a player’s offensive capabilities than batting average, which only accounts for hits.

Are there better stats than OPS?

While OPS is a valuable statistic for assessing players’ offensive performance, some analysts prefer advanced metrics that account for more factors, such as wOBA (weighted On-Base Average), wRC+ (weighted Runs Created Plus), or OPS+ (OPS Plus), which adjusts OPS to park and league differences. These may provide an even more nuanced view of a player’s contribution to their team.

What does a player’s OPS tell you?

A player’s OPS provides a quick snapshot of their ability to contribute offensively. A high OPS indicates that a player is adept at both reaching base and hitting for extra bases, which are key components in generating runs for their team.

How is Slugging Percentage calculated?

Slugging Percentage (SLG) is calculated by dividing the total number of bases a player has achieved through hits by the number of official at-bats they’ve had. It gives more weight to extra-base hits like doubles, triples, and home runs as opposed to singles.

What is the league-average OPS?

The league-average OPS in MLB can vary each season due to changes in pitching, ballpark factors, and other variables. Recently, the average OPS has been around the .710 to .720 range, but checking current season stats or historical trends can provide the most accurate figure.

Can OPS be used to compare players from different eras?

OPS can be used to compare players from different eras, but researchers should consider the context of the baseball’s offensive environment during those periods. Adjusted statistics like OPS+ can offer a more balanced comparison by considering the league averages and ballpark factors of the different eras.

What impact do home runs have on the OPS?

Home runs have a significant impact on a player’s Slugging Percentage, which is a part of the OPS calculation. Since home runs account for the most bases per hit, they greatly elevate both a player’s SLG and, subsequently, their overall OPS.

Why might a player with a high OPS be considered valuable?

A player with a high OPS is valuable because they frequently get on base and generate extra-base hits, which are key factors in scoring runs. This ability to both reach base safely and advance runners significantly contributes to a team’s offensive success.

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